1. Data Sheet, “Brush High Conductivity Beryllium Copper Strip,” The Brush Beryllium Co., Cleveland, Ohio, July 1963.
2. D. R. Lott, “Solar Array Flexible Substrate Design Optimization, Fabrication, Delivery, and Test Evaluation Program,” Final Report, NAS 8–28432, Report No. LMSC-D384284, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Inc., March 1975.
3. “Selection, Engineering and Fabrication of Car-Tech Alloys for Electronics, Magnetics and Electrical Applications,” Product and Applications Brochure, Published by Carpenter Technology Corp., Reading, Pennsylvania, 1965.
4. “Unispan 36, Low Thermal Expansion Alloy,” Product and Applications Brochure, Published by Universal-Cyclops Specialty Steel Division, Cyclops Corp., 1968.
5. B. S. Lement, C. S. Roberts, and B. L. Averbach, “Determination of Small Thermal Expansion Coefficients by a Micrometric Diletometer Method,” The Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 22, No. 3,1951.