1. Axilrod, S.H. (1981), “New Monetary Control Procedure: Findings and Evaluation from a Federal Reserve Study”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, Vol. 67 (April), 277–290.
2. Axilrod, S.H. (1982), “Monetary Policy, Money Supply, and the Federal Reserve’s Operating Procedures”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, Vol. 68 (January), 13–24.
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4. Axilrod, S.H. and Lindsey, D.E., (1981), “Federal Reserve System Implementation of Monetary Policy: Analytical Foundations of the New Approach”, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, (May), 246–252.
5. Blinder, A.S . (1982), “The Anatomy of Double Digit Inflation in the 1970s”, in Hall, R.E. (ed.), Inflation: Causes and Effects, Chicago.