1. Allen, C. P. and Gilmoua, D. G. (1962), The B blood group system of chickens III. The effects of two heterozygous genotypes on the survival and egg production of multiple crosses. Genetics, 47. 1711 - 1718.
2. Mules, W. E. (1956), The relationship between B blood group genotypes and adult performance in two white Leghorn inbred lines. Poult. Sci., 35. 1134 - 1135.
3. Briles, W. E. (1957), The effect of B blood group system on 10 week weights of chicks resulting from a cross between inbred lines. Poult. Sci., 36. 1106.
4. Mules, W. E. and Allen, C. P. (1961), The B blood group system of chickens II. The effects of genotype on livability and egg production in seven commercial inbred lines. Genetics, 46. 1273 - 1293.
5. Beiles, W. E. and Krueger, W. F. (1955), The effect of parental B blood group genotypes on hatchability and livability in Leghorn inbred lines. Poult. Sci., 34 1182.