1. Prof. Goedhuis, “Reflections on the Evolution of Space Law” Netherlands International Law Review, 1966, Issue ii, at page 112 et. seq.
2. Brierly, Law of Nations. Oxford (6th Ed.) page 61 (x963).
3. Ref. Brierly, op. cit. page 62.
4. Bing Cheng, "United Nations Resolutions on Outer Space: 'Instant' International Customary Law?" Indian Journal of International Law, vol. 5, Jan. 1965, page 35
5. Ref. also Prof. Goedhuis' assertion that a new rule of customary law can come into existence instantly when the requisite consensus or "opinio juris generalis" has been manifested. (Goedhuis "Reflections on the Evolution of Space Law" Netherlands International Law Review of 1966, Issue u, page 109, et seq.