1. Feynman, Richard P. (1960) Engineering and Science.
2. Eigler, Don M., and Schweizer, Erhard K. (1990), Nature, 344, 524.
3. Becker, R. S., Golovchenko, J. A. and Swartzcntruher, B. A. (1987) Nature, 325, 419.
4. Becker, R. S., et al were careful to point out that they could not unequivocally demonstrate that the atomic scale perturbation which they had made to the germanium surface was indeed duc to an atom which had transferred from the tip to the surface. In retrospect, it seems almost certain that this in fact was the case.
5. Eigler, D. M., Lutz, C. P., and Rudge, W. E., (1991) Nature, 352, 600.