1. Abbott, R.T. 1958. The Marine Mollusks of Grand Cayman Island, BWI. Monographs Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, No. 11, 138 pp., 5 plates.
2. Acker, K.L. and Risk, M.J. 1985. Substrate destruction and sediment production by the boring sponge Cliona caribbaea on Grand Cayman Island. J. Sed. Petrol. 55: 705–711.
3. Aguilar, E.F. and Saunders, P.T. 1962. The Cayman Islands. Their postal history, postage stamps and post marks. F.J. Parsons (Kent Newspapers) Ltd. Folkestone, U.K.
4. Ahmad, N. and Jones, R.L. 1969. Occurrence of aluminous lateritic soils (bauxites) in the Bahamas and Cayman Islands. Economic Geol. 64: 804–808.
5. Anderson, S., Woods, C.A., Morgan, G.S. and Oliver, W.L.R. 1983. Geocapromys brownii. Am. Soc. Mammalogists. Mammalian Species 201: 1–5. (Mentions Geocapromys from Cayman Brac.)