1. J.C. Waddington, K.A. Hagemann, S. Ogaza, D. Kiss, B. Herskind, and B.I. Deutch, in Nuclear Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions (North — Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1970) p. 438.
2. M. Blume, in Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Radiations, eds. E. Matthias, and D.A. Shirley (North — Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1968) p. 911.
3. A. Abragam and R.V. Pound, Phys. Rev. 92 (1953) 943.
4. G. Heestand, K. Bonde Nielsen, H. Ravn, F. Abildskov, and B.I. Deutch, to be presented at this conference.
5. R. Wäppling, E. Karlsson, G. Carlsson and M.M. Bajaj, private communication.