1. Atkinson, Paul A. 1976 The Clinical Experience: An Ethnography of Medical Education. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh.
2. Atkinson, Paul A. 1981a The Clinical Experience: The Construction and Reconstruction of Medical Reality. Aldershot: Gower.
3. Atkinson, Paul A. 1981b Time and Cool Patients. In P. Atkinson and C. Heath (eds.), Medical Work: Realities and Routines. Aldershot: Gower.
4. Atkinson, Paul A. 1981c Inspecting Classroom Talk. In C. Adelman (ed.), Uttering, Muttering: Collecting, Using and Reporting Talk for Educational Research. London: Grant Macintyre.
5. Atkinson, Paul A. 1983 The Reproduction of the Professional Community. In R. Dingwall and P. Lewis (eds.). The Sociology of the Professions: Lawyers, Doctors and Others. London: Macmillan.