1. The name was introduced by N. B. Hollander in talks given in 1981, but no written definition was given (Hollander, 1981). See also Aanstad (1981).
2. The structure was defined by Rønnevik. (1975) and later discussed by Jørgensen and Navrestad (1979,1981).
3. Bøen. (1984).
4. See Hinz (1972b). The structure was termed Smø1a High by Price and Rattey (in press). The structure is also treated by Hamar and Hjelle (1984).
5. The same structural feature was termed the Møre- Trøndelag Line by Price and Rattey (in press), and it coincides with the Møre-Trøndelag Zone defined from Satellite imagery on the Norwegian mainland by Gabrielsen and Ramberg (1979), which has also been described by Oftedahl (1975) and Aanstad et al (1981).