1. D. Wallace, Jr. and H. Escobar, The future of international economic organizations (New York, Praeger, 1977);
2. G. Schiavione, International organizations: a dictionary and directory (2nd ed., London, MacMillan, 1986);
3. A. Weber, Geschichte der internationalen Wirtschaftsorganisationen (Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 1983).
4. See also The Europe Year Book. A world survey (published since 1926), especially Volume I, which deals with international organizations.
5. In addition to the annual World economic survey (published since 1948), mention should be made of the publications by the Regional Commissions, the Economic survey of Latin America (since 1949; not issued in 1959, 1960 and 1961) and the Economic Bulletin for Latin America (since 1956, twice annually); the Economic survey of Africa (since 1961, published at intervals) and the Economic Bulletin for Africa (since 1961, twice annually); the Economic survey of Asia and the Far East (since 1948; in 1952 issued as No. 3 of the Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East) and the Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East (since 1948, quarterly); the Economic survey of Europe (since 1948; in 1953 published as a supplement to the Economic Bulletin for Europe) and the Economic Bulletin for Europe (since 1948, issued twice annually).