1. Harper, J.F ., “The motion of bubbles and drops through liquids”, in Advances in Applied Mechanics (ed.C.S.Yih), Academic Press, New York, Vol. 12, 1972.
2. Haberman, W.L. and Morton, R.K., An experimental investigation of the drag and shape of air bubbles rising in various liquids. U.S. navy Dept. David W.Taylor Model Basin Report No.802, 1953. Also Trans.Am.Soc.Civil Engrs., 121, 227–252, 1956.
3. Clift, R., Grace J.R. and Weber, M.E., Bubbles, Drops, and Particles, Academic Press, New York, 1978.
4. Anfruns, J.F. and Kitchener, J.A., Rate of capture of small particles in flotation, Trans.I.M.M., C9–C15, March 1977.
5. Saffman, P.G., On the rise of small air bubbles in water, J.Fluid Mech. 1, 249–275, 1956.