1. Anderson P.W. (1972): More is different. Science
177, 393–396.
2. Atmanspacher H., Primas H., and Wertenschlag-Birkhäuser E., eds. (1995): Der Pauli-Jung-Dialog und seine Bedeutung für die moderne Wissenschaft (Springer, Berlin). In the Preface of this reference the editors recall that the theme of the meeting that gave rise to this publication had been Das Irrationale in den Naturwissenschaften: Wolfgang Paulis Begegnung mit dem Geist der Materie. Unfortunately this change of title may misguide the expectations of the reader, as is evident from the review by M. Eckert in Physikalische Blätter
51, 1105 (1995).
3. Benecke J. and Reimann M. (1989): Das Gefahrenpotential des Superphénix (Sollner Institut, München).
4. Bohr N. (1985): Atomphysik und menschliche Erkenntnis (Vieweg, Braunschweig), pp. 83 and 85. The passage of Pauli’s letter of 15 February 1955 defining the detached observer appears as preamble to his essay Probability and Physics, Pauli (1994c), p. 43.
5. Crommie M.F., Lutz C.P., and Eigler D.M. (1993): Confinement of electrons to quantum corrals on a metal surface. Science
262, 218–220.