1. Bach, J., Glover, A. G., Holt, J. and Williams, J. A. (1975) The examination of a mild steel pressure vessel under creep conditions using acoustic emission. Conf. on Acoustic Emissions as a Method of Metallurgical Examination, Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Metallkunde, E. V. Munich, W. Germany, 1975. (Also as CEGB Report RD/M/R178.)
2. Betz, U. (1972) Fatigue crack growth measurement using the electric potential method. Materialprufung, 14, March, 73–7.
3. Brindley, B. J., Holt, J. and Palmer, I. G. (1973) Acoustic emission 3 — Use of ringdown counting. Non-destructive Testing, 6 (6), 299–310.
4. Coleman, M. C. (1978) The structure of weldments and its relevance to high temperature failure. 5th Bolton Landing Conf., Weldments: Physical Metallurgy and Failure Phenomena, General Electric, USA, pp. 409–20.
5. Coleman, M. C. and Parker, J. D. (1985) The high temperature deformation and fracture of mild steel weldments in thick section 1/4Cr1/4Mo1/2V pipe. CEGB Report TPRD/M/1494/R85.