1. A.E. Russell: “Some factors affecting large transport airplanes with turboprop engines”. J.R.A.S. Feb. 1950, pp. 67–106.
2. G. de Vries: “Safeguards against flutter of airplanes”. NACA TM1423, Translated from La Recherche Aéronautique, No. 12, 1949 and No. 13, 1950.
3. E.D. Keen: “Integral construction, application to aircraft design and effect on production methods”. J.R.Ae.S., Vol. 57, April 1953, pp. 215–227.
4. O. Ljungstrôm: “Wing structures of future aircraft”. Aircraft Eng., Vol. 25, No. 251, May 1953, pp. 128–132.
5. E.F. Bruhn and A.F. Schmitt: “Analysis and design of aircraft structures”. Tri-State Offset Company, Ohio, 1958.