1. Proceedings of the ANS Conference on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, New Orleans, LA, April 1971.
2. Proceedings of the ANS Conference on Fast Breeder Reactor Fuel Performance, Monterey, CA, March 1979.
3. J. S. Roth, “Modeling of Fast Reactor Fuel Transient Behavior Using the LIFE Code,” ibid, 642.
4. J. VonVliet, “LMFBR Fuel Pin Modeling with the Computer Codes COMETHE III-J and IAMBUS,” ibid, 655.
5. J. A. Buzzell, et al, “Transient Performance of EBR-II Driver Fuel,” Proceedings of the ANS/ENS Topical Meeting on Reactor Safety Aspects of Fuel Behavior, 1-415, August 2–6, 1981, Sun Valley, Idaho.