1. Barry,.J P 1978, Georgian Bay; the sixth Great Lake. Clarke, Irwin. Toronto, pp 190.
2. Bennett, E. B . I988. On the physical limnology or Georgian Bay. In M. Munawar (ed.). Limnol Fish. Georgian Bay/North Channel Ecosystem. Hydrohiotogla. this volume
3. Berton. P . 1962. The great railway. McClelland and Stewart.Toronto, pp. 336.
4. Brown, R. 1978. Ghost towns of Ontario. Stagecoach publ Co,Langley. BC.. pp. 200.
5. Carter, J . I975 Seasonal abundance and horizontal distribution of planktonic crustacea of Georgian Bay. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Repl # 558, Ottawa, pp. 20