1. Engelhardt, H.T.: 1976, ‘The Dialectic as a Meta-Ontological Method’, Hegel-Jahrbuch, 1975, Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, Köln, pp. 424–429.
2. Gadamer, H.-G.: 1976, Hegel’s Dialectic, P.C. Smith (tr.), Yale University Press, New Haven.
3. Kant, I.: 1965, Critique of Pure Reason, N.K. Smith (tr.), St. Martin’s Press, New York.
4. Kierkegaard, S.: 1980, The Concept of Anxiety, R. Thomte (tr.), Princeton University Press, Princeton.
5. Kierkegaard, S.: 1980, The Sickness Unto Death, H. Hong and E. Hong (trs.), Princeton University Press, Princeton.