1. Imre Lakatos, Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery, eds. John Worrall and Elie Zahar (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976 ), p. 49n.
2. On Lakatos’ years in Hungary see my article: “Possessed: Imre Lakatos’ Road to 1956”, Contemporary European History,VI, 3 (1997), 279–94, and the article by Jancis Long in this volume.
3. See Jacob Lipsitz’s letter to Imre Lakatos, March 12, 1958, Imre Lakatos Papers, File 13/ 265, British Library of Political and Economic Science (hereafter BLPES), London, England. I am grateful to Professor John Worrall for permission to quote from the Lakatos Papers.
4. Imre Lakatos’ letter to Jacob Lipsitz, May 18, 1968, Imre Lakatos Papers, File 13/266, BLPES.
5. For details of Lichtheim’s life I have relied upon Walter Laqueur, “George Lichtheim, 1912 1973”, Commentary,LVI, 2 (1973), 45–52.