1. Berg, R. van den, 1991. Exposure of man to soil contamination. A qualitative and quantitative analysis, resulting in proposals for human-toxicological C-values. RIVM report no. 725201006. RIVM, Bilthoven (in Dutch).
2. Berg, R. van den, 1992a. Risk assessment of contaminated soil: proposals for adjusted, toxicologically based Dutch C-values for metals and arsenic. DECHEMA-document: 2. Expertengespräch “Gefährdungspotentiale im Bodenschutz” “Entscheidungshilfen zur Beurteilung von Belastungen durch Arsen, Blei und Cadmium in Böden von Ballungsräumen”, Braunschweig, 9–11 October 1991.
3. Berg, R. van den, 1992b. Risk assessment of contaminated soil - General approach for adjusted, toxicologically based Dutch C-values for organic compounds (phthalates and dioxins). DECHEMA-document: 3. Expertengespräch “Gefährdungspotentiale im Bodenschutz” “Beurteilung organischer Bodenkontamination am Beispiel der Stoffgruppen Dioxine und Phthalate”, München, 11–13 March 1992.
4. Berg, R. van den, 1993. Human exposure to contaminated soil: a model (CSOIL) used for assessment of human-toxicological intervention values for soil clean-up. These proceedings, poster contribution no. 118.
5. Berg, R. van den, and J.M. Roels, 1991. Assessment of risks to man and the environment in case of exposure to soil contamination. Integration of the results of the preceeding studies. RIVM report no. 725201007. RIVM, Bilthoven (in Dutch).