1. Charles Frankel, “The Nature and Sources of Irrationalism,” Science, 180 (June 1973), pp. 927–931; and Edward Shils, “The Attack on Rationality and the Future of Science,” unpublished paper.
2. Harris poll, Boston Globe, February 17, 1972.
3. The New York Times, June 13, 1973.
4. The Evolution and Dynamics of National Goals in the United States, prepared by Dr. Franklin P. Huddle at the request of Senator Jackson pursuant to Senate Resolution 45, Serial No. 92–2 ( Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971 ).
5. I have no doubt, however, that the current political problems of science are related in a long-range and fundamental way to changes in moral and political ideas. See my “Purists and Politicians,” Science, 163 (January 1969), pp. 25–31.