1. Broglio, L., ‘Air Density Between 200 and 300 km Obtained by San Marco 1 Satellite’, Space Research, Vol. VII (ed. by R. L. Smith-Rose, S. A. Bowhill, and J. W. King), North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1967, pp. 1135–1147.
2. Champion, K. S. W., ‘Variations With Season and Latitude of Density, Temperature and Composition in the Lower Thermosphere’, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Bedford, Mass., 1966.
3. Champion, K. S. W., Marcos, F. A., and Slowey, J. ‘New Model Atmospheres Giving Latitudinal and Seasonal Variations in the Thermosphere’, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Bedford, Mass., 1966.
4. Champion, K. S. W. and Marcos, F. A., ‘The Air Force (OAR) Satellite OV1–16 (Cannonball)’, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union (Seventh National Fall Meeting), 49, no. 4, (Dec. 2–5, 1968) 637 and 724.
5. Champion, K. S. W. and Marcos, F. A., ‘The Air Force (OAR) Satellite OV1–16 (Cannonball)’, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union (Seventh National Fall Meeting), 49, no. 4, (Dec. 2–5, 1968) 724