1. P. BARBERO, L. CECILLE, F. MANNONE, G. TANET, S. VALKIERS and H. WILLERS. “Schémas de séparation des effluents nucléaires de haute activité (HAW) faisant appel à l’extraction par solvant. Procédés HDEHP et TBP”. Proceedings 2nd Technical meeting on the nuclear transmutation of actinides. Ispra, Italy, April 21–24, 1980.EUR 6929 EN/FR. Session 2.2, p. 211–224
2. L. CECILLE, H. DWORSCHAK, B. HUNT, F. MANNONE, F. MOUSTY. “Separation of actinides from Purex type HAW raffinates: Development of experimental studies at JRC-Ispra establishment”, paper presented at the Actinide Separation Symposium. Honolulu, Hawai, May 1–6, 1979.
3. L. CECILLE, F. MANNONE and F. MOUSTY. “The partitioning of high-activity waste (HAW) raffinates”. Experimental studies on the chemical feasibility of some partitioning processes”. Proceedings of IAEA/CEC symposium on the management of alpha-contaminated wastes. Vienna, 2–6 June 1980. IAEA-SM-246/22 — p. 573–585.
4. L. CECILLE’S Contribution for the final report on the chemical separation of actinides from high activity liquid wastes. Chapter 3. JRC-Ispra report n° SA/ Edited by F. Mannone and H. Dworschak (1984).
5. S. Drobnik KFK reports nr. 1830 (1973), 1949 (1974) and 2000 (1974).