1. J.A. Dons and B.T. Larsen (eds.), The Oslo Paleorift, Norg. geol. Unders., 1978 (in press).
2. I.B. Ramberg, Norg. geol. Unders., 325, 1, 1976.
3. J. Tryti! and M.A. SEnlevoll, Report on a reconnaissance seismic crustal study of the Oslo Rift, in: The Norwegian Geotraverse Project Final Report, ed. by K.S. Heier, Oslo Univ., 1977.
4. R. Kanestrød K. Haugland, Profile Section 3–4, in: Deep Seismic Sounding, ed. by A. Vogel, Uppsala Univ., Sweden, 1971.
5. H. Ramberg, Lithos, 4, 259, 1971.