1. Ancient Sunspots Records Research Group, 1977, Chin. Astr., 1, 347.
2. Barnes, H.A., Sargent, H.H. and Tryon, P.V., 1980, in ‘The Ancient Sun’, Pergainon Press, New York, 159.
3. Brown, E.W., 1919, ‘Tables of the Motion of theMoon’, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, Vol. 1.
4. Clavius, C, 1593, ‘In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacrobosco Commentarius’, Lugduni, 508.
5. Clark, D.H. and Stephenson, F.R., 1978, Q. J. R. Astr. Soc., 19, 387.