1. Szekely, J., and Carr, R., Heat Transfer in a Cyclone. Chem. Engr. Sci., 1966, 21, 1119–1132.
2. Diebold, J. P. and Scahill, J. W. Ablative, Entrained-Flow Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass. Proceedings of the 16th Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Contractors’ Meeting. Portland. Oregon. May 8–9. 1984. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA. CONF-8405157/PNL-SA-12403.
3. Diebold, J. P. and Scahill, J. W. Ablative Pyrolysis of Biomass to Olefins and Aromatic Liquids in a Vortex Reactor. AIChE Winter National Meeting in Atlanta, GA, March 11–16, 1984. Paper 31-d.
4. Diebold, J. P. The Cracking Kinetics of Depolymerized Biomass Vapors in a Continuous. Tubular Reactor. MS Thesis T-3007, Colorado School of Mines, 1985.
5. Diebold, J. P., Scahill, J. W., and Power A. J. Engineering Aspects of Upgrading Pyrolysis Oil Using Zeolites, (in this volume)