1. J.W. von Moltke, Dutch and Flemish Old Masters in the Collection of Dr. C.J.K. van Aalst, Huis te Hoevelaken, Holland, privately printed 1939, p. 266, pl. 64; exhibition cat. Rembrandt als leermeester, Leiden 1956, no. 2.
2. 1. V. Bloch, 'Zum fr??hen Rembrandt', O.H. 50 (1933), pp. 100-101
3. 2. cf. O. Benesch, 'An early group portrait drawing by Rembrandt', The Art Quarterly 3 (1940), pp. 2-14, reprinted: idem, Otto Benesch, Collected Writings I, New York 1970, pp. 130-139, esp. p. 137
4. 3. idem, 'Caravaggism in the drawings of Rembrandt', Extrait des Actes du XVIIme Congr??s international d' Historie de l'Art, The Hague 1955, pp. 385-404
5. 4. reprinted: idem, Otto Benesch, Collected Writings I, New York 1970, pp. 175-189, esp, 177-178.