1. Report EPA 908/1-17-002;GE Anderson,1977
2. Bencala K.E. and Seinfeld J.H. (1979) An air quality model performance assessment package. Atm. Environment 13, pp. 1181–1185.
3. Bowne N.E. (1980) Validation and performance criteria for air quality models. Second Joint Conference on Applications of Alt Pollution Meteorology, Mew Orleans, AMS, Boston, pp. 614–626.
4. Pepont EPA 650/4-15-010;GW Brier,1975
5. Calder K.L. (1974) Miscellaneous questions relating to the use of air quality simulation models, in Proc. of the fifth meeting of the expert panel on AP modelling (Roskilde, Denmark). NATO/CCMS, Pub. No. 35, Brussels (also NTIS PB 240–582).