1. “Imagine that we could enter today the first exhibition…” J.B. Priestley, Victoria’s Heyday, William Heinemann, London 1972.
2. “The passenger train was one of the glorious products …” I have used N.L. Wayman, St. Louis Union Station and Its Railroads, The Evelyn E. Newman Group, St. Louis, Missouri 1987.
3. “This is the so-called ‘learning curve’” L. Argote and D. Epple, “Learning Curves in Manufacturing,” Science, 23 February 1990, pp. 920–924.
4. “An early master — and an evil master —” W. Manchester, The Arms of Krupp, Little, Brown and Co., Boston 1964.
5. “The agony of bringing on line…” C. Prestowitz Jr., Trading Places: How We Allowed Japan to Take the Lead, Basic Books Inc., New York 1988, and J.George, “High-Technology Competition between U.S. and Japanese Companies,” in Japan Business Study Program, 1989, ed. by H. Matsuo, Bureau of Business Research, The University of Texas at Austin.