1. Richard Beckhard, ‘Organizational Issues in the Team Delivery of Comprehensive Health Care’, Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 3 (1972) 287–316.
2. A. B. Bergman, S. W. Dassel and R. S. Wedgewood, ‘Time-Motion Study of Practicing Pediatricians’, Pediatrics 38 (1966) 254–63.
3. Peter Birk, Cynthia Dalton and Thomas Ward, ‘Problem Oriented Analysis of Medical Care Episodes — A New Evaluation Model’, 99th Annual Meeting (1971), American Public Health Association.
4. Carroll M., Brodsky, ‘Communication and Behavior on a Small Psychiatric Unit’, Comprehensive Psychiatry 9 (1968) 525–35.
5. Ruth Laub Coser, ‘Authority and Decision-Making in a Hospital: A Comparative Analysis’, American Sociological Review 23 (1958) 56–63.