1. Barton, W. (1973). Letter from Walter Barton to Sidney Malitz, dated 20 Mar 1973. Archives of the American Psychiatric Association. Professional Affairs. Box 2. Folder 74.
2. Frances, F. (1992). Letter dated 17 Aug 1992. To Jerome Wakefield. Archives of the American Psychiatric Association. Box labelled “Proofs Full Text,” Folder “DSM-IV Introduction.”
3. Spitzer, R. (1973). Progress report of the task force on nomenclature and statistics to the council on research and development. Sept 1975. Archives of the American Psychiatric Association. Professional affairs. Box 2. Folder 76. Nomenclature and statistics 1976.
4. Spitzer, R., Sheehy, M., & Endicott, J. (1977). DSM-III guiding principles. In the 1977 draft of the DSM-III. Archives of the American Psychiatric Association. Professional affairs. Box 16. Folder 177, Chap. 4, p. 3.
5. Wakefield, J. (1992). Letter dated 22 Oct 1992. To Allen Frances. Archives of the American Psychiatric Association. Box labelled “Proofs Full Text,” Folder “DSM-IV Introduction.”