1. The italicized terms are those that have been defined for the purposes of this essay.
2. Stephen Turner, “One Sciences Out of Many Sciences,” paper presented at the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook Conference, What is International in Science?, Abisko, Sweden, May 26—June I, 1991; Elisabeth Crawford, “The Universe of International Science, 1880–1939,” in Tore Frängsmyr, ed., Solomon’s House Revisited: The Organization and Institutionalization of Science, Nobel Symposium 75 ( Canton, MA.: Science History Publications, 1990 ), pp. 251–269.
3. OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators 1991: 1 (Paris, 1991), p. 23.
4. Ibid.,p. 34.
5. Ibid.,p. 23.