1. J.F. Feustel and O. Mayrhofer, “Concentrating systems for small power stations”, Workshop on concentrators for solar energy applications-Heverlee, Belgium, September 1978.
2. G. Nixon, “Cast Acrylic Fresnel Lens Solar Concentrator”, edited by Swedlow, Inc.
3. E.L. Burgess and M.W. Edenburn, “One KiloWatt Photovoltaic Subsystem using Fresnel Lens concentrators”, Conf. Rec. 12th PVSC, Nov. 15–18 (1978), Baton Rouge, L.A.
4. R.L. Donovan et al., “Ten Kilo-Watt Photovoltaic concentrating array”, Conf. Rec. 13th PVSC, June 5–8 (1978), Washington, D.C.
5. S. Pizzini, “Development of a 1 kW Photovoltaic concentration system with silicon cells”, Workshop on concentrators for solar energy aplications — Heverlee, Belgium, September 1978.