1. UNSCEAR (1982). Ionizing Radiation: Sources and Biological Effects. UNSCEAR Report, United Nations, New York.
2. USEPA (1986). A Citizens’ Guide to Radon. Office of Radiation Programs (ANR-460) Washington, DC.
3. Green, B.M.R, Hughes, J.S., and Lomas, P.R Radiation Atlas, Natural Sources of Ionising Radiation in Europe, Commission of the European Communities, pp.30.
4. Turk Standartlar Enstitüsü (1975). Uçucu Küller. TS-639/Nisan, 3.
5. Turk Standartlar Enstitüsü (1994). Çimento-Uçucu Küllu Çimento. TS-640/Nisan.