1. C.S. Gillmor, ‘Wilhelm Altar, Edward Appleton, and the Magneto-Ionic Theory’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 126 (1982), 39540. C.S. Gillmor, ‘The History of the Term “ionosphere”, Nature, 262 (1976), 347–348. C.S. Gillmor, ‘Threshold to Space: Early Studies of the Ionosphere’, in Space Science Comes of Age, ed. Paul A. Hanle and Von Del Chamberlain (Washington, DC 1981), 101–114. C.S. Gillmor, ‘S.К. Mitra’s “The Upper Atmosphere”: The Role of Monograph and Text Literature in the Evolution of Ionospheric Physics’, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 15 (1986), 171–181. Also: A.L. Green, ‘Early History of the Ionosphere’, AWA Technical Review, 7 (1946), 177–228. H.R. Mimno, ‘The Physics of the Ionosphere’, Reviews of Modern Physics, 9 (1938), 1–43. J.A. Ratcliffe, ed., ‘Special Issue: Fifty Years of the Ionosphere’, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 36 (1974), 2069–2319.
2. C.S. Gillmor, ‘Federal Funding and Knowledge Growth in Ionospheric Physics, 1945–81’, Social Studies of Science, 16 (1986), 105–133.
3. R.W. Home, ‘The Beginnings of an Australian Physics Community’, in Nathan Reingold and Marc Rothenberg, eds., Scientific Colonialism (Washington, DC, 1987), 3–34. R.W. Home, ‘Origins of the Australian Physics Community’, Historical Studies, 20 (1983), 383–400. R.W. Home, ‘W.H. Bragg and J.P.V. Madsen: Collaboration and Correspondence, 1905–1911’, Historical Records of Australian Science, 5 (1981), 1–11. Also: Ann Moyal, ‘The History of Telecommunication in Australia: Aspects of the Technological Experience, 1854–1930’, in Reingold and Rothenberg, op. cit., 35–53. Ann (Mozley) Moyal, Clear Across Australia: A History of Telecommunications (Melbourne, 1984). L.A. Hooke, ‘Australian Radio Communication Services’, AWA Technical Review, 3 (1938), 229–251.
4. George H. Munro, interview with C.S. Gillmor, Sydney, 27 September 1973.
5. F.W.G. White, ‘Early Work in Australia, New Zealand and at the Halley Stewart Laboratory, London’, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Loud., A., 280 (1975), 35–46. F.W.G. White; interview with C.S. Gillmor, London, 5 December 1974.