1. E. D. Arthur, “Calculational Methods Used to Obtain Evaluated Data above 3 MeV,” Proc. Conf. on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methods and Procedures, Brookhaven, Sept. 22–25, 1980 (BNL-NCS-51363, 1981) p. 655.
2. Ch. Lagrange, “Comments on Some Aspects of the Use of Optical Statistical Models for Evaluations,” ibid, p. 599.
3. D. G. Gardner, “Current Status of Fast Neutron Capture Calculations,” to be published in Proc. NEANDC/NEACRP Specialists Meeting on Fast-Neutron Capture Cross Sections, Argonne, April 20–23, 1982.
4. P. A. Moldauer, “Statistical Applications of Neutron Nuclear Reactions,” Proc. of Course on Nuclear Theory for Applications, Trieste, Jan. 17–Feb. 10, 1978 (IAEA-SMR-43, 1980) p. 165.
5. C. Mahaux, “Theoretical Aspects of the Optical Model,” ibid, p. 97.