1. R Kinsey (Compiler) ENDF/B Summary Documentation, BNL-NCS-17541 (ENDF-201), 3rd Edition (ENDF/B-V) (July 1979).
2. Y Kikuchi et al J. Nucl. Sei. Techno1., 17 (7) 567 (1980).
3. B Goel and B Krieg Status of Nuclear Data Library KEDAK-3, October 1975. KFK 2234 (December 1975) (In addition reports on the later updates, see for example Reference 7).
4. CM Perey and F G Perey Evaluation of Resonance Parameters for Neutron Interaction with Iron Isotopes for Energies up to 400 KeV. ORNL/TM-6405 (ENDF-29S) (Sept 1980).
5. S Iijima, H Yamakoshi, N Sekine, Y Kikuchi and T As ami Evaluation of Neutron Cross-Sections of Cr, Fe and Ni for JENDL-2, NEANDC Topical Discussion on Neutron Data of Structural Materials, CBNM-GEEL (September 1979)