1. G. J. Russell, LA-6020, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1977).
2. G. J. Russell, P. W. Lisowski and N. S. P. King, Int. Conf. on Neutron Phys. and Nucl. Data for Reactors and other Appl. Purposes, Harwell, England (1978).
3. M. S. Livingston, LA-6878-MS, UC-28 and UC-34, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1977).
4. G. P. Lawrence, et. al., Xlth Intl. Conf. on High Energy Accel., Geneva, Switzerland (1980).
5. G. J. Russell, J. S. Gilmore, R. E. Prael, H. Robinson and S. D. Howe, Symp. Neut. Cross Sec. from 10–50 MeV, Brookhaven Natl. Lab. (1980).