1. Clayton, J.L., Koncz, I., and King, D.J., and Tatár, É., Organic geochemistry of crude oils and source rocks, Békés basin; this volume. 161-185.
2. Elston, D.P., Lantos, M., and Hámor, T., High resolution polarity records and the stratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic correlation of late Miocene and Pliocene (Pannonian s.l.) deposits of Hungary; this volume, 111-142.
3. Jámbor, É., Balázs, E., Balogh, K., Bérczi, I., Bóna, J., Horváth, F., Gajdos, I., Geiger, J., Hajós, M., Kordos, L., Korecz, A., Korecz-Laki, I., Korpás-Hódi, M., Köváry, J., Mészáros, L., Nagy, E., Németh, G., Nusszer, A., Pap, S., Pogácsás. Gy., Révész, I., Rumpler. J., Sütö-Szentai, M., Szalay, A., Szentgyörgyi, K., Széles, M., and Völgyi, L., 1987. General characteristics of Pannonian s.l. deposits in Hungary; Proc. 8th Cong., Reg. Comm. on Mediterr. Neogene Stratigraphy, Budapest September 15–22, 1985; Hung. Geol. Inst. Ann. Rept. 70, 155-167.
4. Mitchum, R.M., Vail, P.R., and Sangree, J.B., 1977, Stratigraphic interpretation of seismic reflection patterns in depositional sequences; in Payton, C.E. (ed.), Seismic stratigraphy-applications to hydrocarbon exploration; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Memoir. 26, 117–133.
5. Phillips, R.L., Révész, I., and Bérczi. I., Lower Pannonian deltaiclacustrine processes and sedimentation, Békés basin; this volume. 67-82.