1. . G. Szego, Orthogonal Polynomials, AMS Colloquium Publication 23, Providence 1939, 1967. See also Ph. Delsarte and Y. Genin, On the Role of Orthogonal Polynomials in Signal Processing Applications in Orthogonal Polynomials: Theory and Practice, Proceedings NATO-ASI Columbus 1989, P. Nevai Editor, Kluwer Academic Publ. (1990) Series C vol.294.
2. W.B. Jones, O. Njastad and E.B. Saff, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 32 (1990). 387.
3. L. Pakula, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT 33 4, 569.
4. J.-D. Fournier, G. Mantica, A. Mezincescu, D. Bessis, (1992), unpublished.
5. J.-D. Fournier, G. Mantica, A. Mezincescu, D. Bessis, Universal Statistical Behavior of the Complex Zeros of Wiener Transfer Functions, it Europhys. Lett. (1993) 22, 5, 325.