1. Quoted in Amikam Nachmani, The Politics of Water in the Middle East: The Current Situation, Imaginary and Practical Solutions, in Water as an Element of Cooperation and Development in The Middle East 301, 302 (Ali Ihsan Bagis ed. 1994) (“Water as An element Of cooperation”).
2. Robert Clark, Water: The International Crisis (1993);
3. Commission on Sustainable Dev., Comprehensive Assessment of the Fresh Water Resources of the World, UN Doc. No. E/CN. 17/1997/9 (1997);
4. Drought Follows the Plow (Michael Glantz ed. 1994); Robert Engelman & Pamela LeRoy, Sustaining Water, Easing Scarcity: A Second Update (1997);
5. Peter Gleick, The World???s Water 1998-1999: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources (1998);