1. Patricia Cooper, Written Testimony for Patricia Cooper- SIA President – Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) – subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation, and Trade (Hearing on Export Controls and Satellites, 2 April 2009).
2. M. Taverna and D. Barrie, “Sea of Red Tape”, Aviation Week & Space Technology (26 May 2003) at 72.
3. Peter B. Selding, “Globalstar’s 2nd-generation System Slated to Begin Launching this Fall” 21(5) Space News (1 February 2010).
4. Christopher Price, “Falling Prices Hit Operators: Telecommunication Satellites” Financial Times (London, UK: 10th December 1999) at 2.
5. Stephen Clark, “Eutelsat Swaps Rockets for Satellite Launch this Summer” SpaceflightNow.Com (19 February 2010), available online at: < http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1002/19eutelsatw3b/ >.