1. Blashford-Snell, J. N. 1970. Conquest of the Blue Nile. Geogr. J. 136: 42–60.
2. Chapman, C. M. 1970. Survey of the crocodile (Cr. niloticus) population of the Blue Nile. Ibid. p. 55–59.
3. Corbet, G. B. & Yalden, D. W. 1972. Recent records of Mammals (other than Bats) from Ethiopia. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Zoology 22, no. 8: 213–252.
4. Hill, J. E. & Morris, P. 1971. Bats from Ethiopia collect by the Gt. Abbai Expedition in 1968. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Zoology 21, no. 2: 27–49, 3 plates.
5. Johnson, E. D. 1972. Observations on the birds of the Upper Blue Nile basin. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 92: 42–49.