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2. Caro, A., and Puntarulo, S. Nitric oxide decreases Superoxide anion generation by microsomes from soybean axes. Physiol. Plant., 104: 357–364, 1998. See op cit Chapter 6.
3. Delledonne, M., Xia, Y. J., Dixon, R. A., and Lamb, C. Nitric oxide functions as a signal in plant disease resistance. Nature, 394: 585–588, 1998. See op cit Chapter 1.
4. Durner, J., Wendehenne, D., and Klessig, D. F. Defense gene induction in tobacco by nitric oxide, cyclic GMP, and cyclic ADP-ribose. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 95: 10328–10333, 1998. See op cit Chapter 1.
5. Huang, J. S., and Knopp, J. A. Involvement of nitric oxide in Ralstonia solonacearum induced hypersensitive reaction in tobacco. In: P. Prior, J. Elphinstone, and C. Allen (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Wilt Symposium, Versailles: INRA, 1997. See op cit Chapter 1.