1. Johannes Buxtorf, “Bibliotheca rabbinica,” in De abbreviaturis hebraicis, liber novus et copiosus (Basel, 1613), 168;
2. Giulio Bartolocci, Kiryat Sefer (Rome, 1675–1693), Vol. 4, 225;
3. Isaac ben Jacob, Osar Ha-Sefarim (Vilnius, 1880), 17–8;
4. Moritz Steinschneider, Catalogus librorum hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, (Berlin, 1852–1860), 1977–8; idem, “La Bibliothèque de Leon Mosconi,” Revue des études juives 10 (1900): 70; Colette Sirat, A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1985), 343; and Avi Harel, “Mishnato ha-Filosofit shel R. Moshe Nogah” (unpublished essay, Bar Ilan University, 1996).
5. I am presently beginning a doctoral thesis on this work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.