1. H.J. Albrecht, Theoretical analysis of medium-dependent fluctuations with tropospheric scatter links and comparison with new experimental data including side-scatter characteristic, AGARD-CP-37, Ref. 16, 1968.
2. H.J. Albrecht, Daily and hourly forecast of tropospheric propagation parameters, AGARD-CP-70–71, Ref.45, 1970.
3. H.J. Albrecht, Prediction of ionospheric scintillation for satellite signals in communication and navigation, XIX Convegno Internationale delle Communicazioni, Genova, 1971.
4. E.E. Altshuler, V.J. Falcone, Jr., K.N. Wulfsberg, Atmospheric effects on propagation at millimeter wavelengths, IEEE spectrum, July 1968.
5. B.R. Bean and E.J. Dutton, Radio Meteorology, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1968.