1. Aspinall, P. A. An upper limit of non-random cap arrangements in the Farnsworth-Mun-sell 100-hue test. Ophthalmologica 168: 128–131 (1974).
2. Kitahara, K. and Kandatsu, A. Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test. Determining a standard for the F-M 100-hue test in cases where there may or may not be a clear orientation axis of the hue errors. Acta Soc. Ophthalmol. Jpn. 89(10): 1089–1093 (1985). (With abstract in English.)
3. Moreland, J. D. Unipolar, bipolar and other errors in the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test. Doc. Ophthalmol. Proc. Ser. IX: 397–405 (1989) (this volume).
4. Taylor, W. O. G. Clinical experience of electronic calculation and automatic plotting of Farnsworth’s 100-hue test. Mod. Probl. Ophthalmol. 19: 150–154 (1978).