1. Fleck, L. 1979 (1935), Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (transl, by F. Bradley and T. Trenn), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, p. 60. Hans Gradmann’s article, Die harmonische Lebenseinheit vom Standpunkt exakter Naturwissenschaft, quoted by Fleck, appeared in 1930 in Naturwissenschaften, 18: 641–644
2. Fleck, L. 1979 (1935), Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (transl, by F. Bradley and T. Trenn), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, p. 60. Hans Gradmann’s article, Die harmonische Lebenseinheit vom Standpunkt exakter Naturwissenschaft, quoted by Fleck, appeared in 1930 in Naturwissenschaften, 18: 662–66.
3. Kuhn, T.S., Foreword, in Fleck, L. 1979 (1935), Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact, (transl, by F. Bradley and T. Trenn), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, vii-xi, on p. vii
4. Moulin, A.M., Niels Kaj Jerne, in Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine, D. Fox, editor, Garland Press, New York. In press.
5. Kuhn, T.S., 1970, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The University of Chicago Press (second, enlarged edition), Chicago.