1. CCIR, Report 563, “Radio-Meteorological Data,” Geneva, 1972.
2. CCIR, Report 563-1, “Radio-Meteorological Data,” Doc. 5/1022, XIVth Plenary Assembly, Kyoto, Japan, 1978.
3. Rice, P. L. and Holmberg, N. R., “Cumulative Time Statistics of Surface Point-Rainfall Rates,” IEEE Trans, on Communications, Vol. COM-21, No. 10, October 1973.
4. Dutton, E. J. and Dougherty, H. T., “Modeling the Effects of Cloud and Rain Upon Sat-ellite-to-Ground System Performance,” OT Report 73-5, Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, CO, March 1973.
5. Dutton, E. J., “Earth Space Attenuation Prediction Procedure at 4 to 16 GHz,” OT Report 77-123, Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, CO, May 1977.