1. W.D. Komhyr, R.D. Grass and R.K. Leonard, WMO 1977, International comparison of Dobson ozone spectrophotometers, Preceedinqs of the International Ozone Symposium, Boulder, 1980.
2. R. Bojkov and C.L. Mateer, On the relative duality and performance of G.O.O.S., presented at this Symposium.
3. A. Bass, Private communication, 1982.
4. J.B. Kerr, C.T. McElroy and R.A. Olafson, Measurements of ozone with the Brewer ozone spectrophotometer, Proceedings of the International Ozone Symposium, Boulder, 1980.
5. WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report of the Meeting of Experts on Sources of Errors in Detection of Ozone Trends, WMO Report #12, 1982.