1. H.L. van Trees, “Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory, Part III”, John Wiley & Sons, 1971, pp. 459.
2. M. Skolnik, “Radar Handbook”, McGraw-Hill, 1990, pp. 16.1
3. L. E. Brennan, J. D. Mallett, I. S. Reed, “Adaptive Arrays in Airborne MTI Radars”. IEEE Trans. AP-24, 1976, pp. 607–615.
4. J.P. Burg, “A new analysis technique for time series data”, in: NASI, Enschede, NE, 1968
5. R. Klemm, J. Ender, “New Aspects of Airborne MTI”. Proc. IEEE RADAR90, May 1990, Arlington, VA, USA